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Being Guided by Your Internal Sat Nav

We have all been aware of the internal Sat Nav, your gut instinct, where your intuition hits you straight in the abdomen, almost taking your breath away.

Either through a positive feeling of openness, bubbling or a swirling of joy as it fills your solar plexus and at other times, yep those times when your instinct is smacking you right in the gut, sometimes a pain or a sense of dread even being physically sick.

But fear begins to build as we get older, we take less risks, miss opportunities for emotionally and material success. The fight and flight mode are completely out of whack, do you seem to in more head on collisions, traffic jams, dead end roads and sometimes going around in circles?

Well I know I’m bored of it, how about you?

Time to tune into you and work with your gut instinct.

Clearing out the roads that need reconstruction, even places that are no longer there, remove the blockages on your path, turn around if you must and let’s begin to head in the direction of knowing your actions are coming from listening to your intuition.

So how do we tune in to this? It’s easier than you think. Gut instinct does not use words or images. Gut instinct uses emotions, and then rockets along our central nervous system, which can also produce physical reactions. It operates in 3 modes – neutral, forward and reverse. This is called your ‘intuition’

In ‘forward’, we literally feel that we want to move closer to something. We feel good about it. We feel excited, happy and positive. We can’t explain why, we can’t find the words for it, but we KNOW that something will work, that the person is good or honest, that this situation will be for the best, that this job/car/person/product/idea/food is the right choice. In ‘neutral’ we feel indifference. There is no strong emotion or physical reaction either way. In ‘reverse’ our gut is telling us to back away. We feel unsure or uncomfortable. The warning bells go off. If it’s a mild response, this is where our brain often kicks in and invalidates our emotion (that can happen in ‘forward’ situations too!) by persuading our logical mind with rational thoughts and justifications. In a strong response we may feel anxious or ill, we want to move back from this job/person/situation, we want to get to safety or a neutral space. We can’t say why but we KNOW this won’t work well, this person can’t be trusted, something is wrong, it’s going to end badly… This basic instinct is like a muscle – the more we use it, the stronger it becomes. If we learn to trust it with the smaller things, eventually we’ll be able to hear and honour it with the bigger things. This can be especially hard for people who are governed by their mind, which is why I recommend starting with small things that have no big ramifications in your life. An example you may be familiar with: Driving to work you suddenly feel like taking an alternative route. You ignore that instinct and a minute past the turn-off you get stuck in a gridlock that makes you late. If you’d gone the other way you would have missed the traffic.

Diving into your internal Sat Nav exercise

I would like you to now bring to mind a situation where your intuition was guiding you. Forward – Neutral – Reverse

Spending a few minutes on each

Take a few moments to settle into the body following a few deep in and out breaths, allowing the shoulders to drop with each our breath

Now returning your breath to its natural rhythm to the rising and falling of the breath. spend a few minutes connecting with your gut, your hara, your centre.

Forward – Bring to your mind’s eye of a time that brought great joy excitement a knowing this is where you are meant to be.

What sensations, images, emotions are you receiving? Is the physical change? listen to your body for messages.

Neutral- bring forward a time when you felt neither a pull forwards or a pull back to a situation. A bit like flat lining.

What sensations, images, emotions are you receiving? Is the physical change? listen to your body for messages

Moving on now to reverse a situation where your intuition was guiding you away, something feels wrong and how’s that feels as you sit with-it

What sensations, images, emotions are you receiving? Is the

physical change? listen to your body for messages.

Bringing yourself back to here and now. Write what you have discovered about your internal sat nav and next time you tune in let your intuition guide you.

I hope you enjoyed this exercise and it has given you Space to connect with your Internal Sat Nav and your path is clear

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