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A Reiki Treatment

Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) means universal life energy. Reiki is an ancient laying-on-of-hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. This healing art is effective in addressing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances.

Usui Reiki Training

Reiki training is suitable for both those who wish to use it only for friends and family and for those who wish to work professionally as a healer. 

All students will be able to trace their lineage back to Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system.

With all the courses you will receive a manual and certifications.

If I can be of any further assistance then, please feel free to contact me.

In this course, we will cover:
• The History of Reiki & what it is.
• The 5 principles of Reiki & ways in which you can use them.
• What happens during an attunement.
• Blockages in the energy system and how to ground & cleanse the energy body.
• Hand positions for self-healing-Reiki.
• Using Reiki in everyday life.

•  Reiki attunements from me.
• Practical exercises to teach self-cleansing techniques.
• The opportunity to practice hand positions on other students.
• Meditation Practices.

You will receive:
• A Reiki 1 Manual to keep and refer to.
• Certificate 
• My support throughout the course & ongoing support afterward.

In this course we will cover:
• An introduction to the Three Second Degree Symbols & how to use them.
• Enhancing Reiki and your connection to it using the symbols above and other techniques.
• How to carry out a full Distance Healing Treatment.​
• Chakras and the human energy system.
• Working with intuition.
• Setting up as a Practitioner.

You will experience:
• 2 Further attuments building on from Reiki 1.
• Practical exercises for further self-cleansing techniques to keep your energy channels clear.
• The opportunity to use your intuition when carrying out a treatment.
• How to use Distance Reiki for yourself and others.

You will receive:
• A Reiki 2 Manual to keep and refer to.
• Draft templates of documents to set up and run a practice.
• Template for Distance Reiki.
• Guidance and support throughout
Reiki Master/Teacher Training

This level of Reiki training is for students who have completed 1st & 2nd Degree Usui training a minimum of a year before taking master /teachers and to complete case studies at level 2  to gain experience and a deeper understanding of the healing energy. The Master's Degree is a life commitment to teach and pass on the Usui Reiki healing knowledge with integrity and an open heart.

The course contains

Advanced teachings
Master Attunement,
Teacher Attunement 
Master symbols
Reiki meditation techniques and other optional energy healing practices.


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